+ + + + + + ++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Listen to what professionals say about PolygraphAcademy.com:

"This package is SUPERB! The best money I ever spent to further my career.
If you want to study Polygraphy, you would be foolish to go anywhere else.
These study materials are very complete."

New York

+ + + + + + ++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


Listen to what professionals say about PolygraphAcademy.com:

"My partner and I purchased the "Polygraph Academy In A Box"
and found it to be what we expected and more. We were promised a
very extensive set of study materials and that is exactly what we
recieved. Also we would like to thank many for all the profession
support via the many telephone conversations, email correspondence,
and in person study time given to us by fellow examiners.
We were told we could call upon many anytime for help, and we have
done so without any problems whatsoever. To our complete satisfaction
you have provided us with what we were guaranteed before purchasing
the package. We feel completely competent with our knowledge and
practical application of the Polygraph instrument and the testing
process. I would recommend this package to anyone who wants to learn
the polygraph instrument, the testing process, and how to make a living
in the polygraph business. We purposely chose not to go to a
vocational school offering polygraph training, because we wanted to
learn this trade from someone who actually earns a living with his
polygraph, and not in a classroom. We are former law enforcement
officers who wanted to add polygraph services to our Private
Investigations firm, and we have now done so. Thank you again for all.".

247 Investigations, Inc

+ + + + + + ++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


Listen to what professionals say about PolygraphAcademy.com:

"It is apparent that you put a lot of thought
and time into its development. Thank you.
I would certainly recommend this product for
anyone starting out in the Polygraph Industry.
And an experienced examiner could benefit too,
with the great deal of information on the business
aspects of polygraphy. The extensive operational
info you have on all the polygraph manufacturers
will allow an experienced examiner to switch
instruments in an emergency. You have included
all of the Computerized Scoring Systems and
their operational protocols; I hope that you pass
my thoughts on to students and other examiners".

Forensic Credibility Assessments,

+ + + + + + ++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

+ + + + + + ++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Listen to what professionals say about PolygraphAcademy.com:

" I learned more from this package than I did by
my spending 8 weeks at a $5000 polygraph academy.
With what I know now, all thanks to this package,
I wasted 8 weeks of my life and was ripped off by attending
that academy. Your description (these pages) really is accurate."

Lisa Javoric, POLYGRAPH EXAMINER, LLJ Polygraph,


+ + + + + + ++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Listen to what professionals say about PolygraphAcademy.com:

"I don't know where to start. First, I am a retired police officer and
have been the owner of a private investigation firm for two years.

Recently, after a client inquired about taking a polygraph for a marital
problem, I found out that the client had to drive 60 miles away and pay
600 dollars for the exam. I started checking the Internet on polygraph
schools and came across your 50 pound package. Again, remember I said
I was a retired police officer so I then checked the internet and read
about you. I decided to give you a call and I am glad I did.

After speaking to you on the phone and you reassured me that the training
package was a complete guide to polygraph, I purchased the package.
Five 6-inch binders full of information and training materials.
I read and reread the materials which is exhausting in itself.

I called you several times with questions and you always took time
to talk with me. You invited me to a free training seminar, which was
attended by several polygraphers from across the country. I got to see
the four different polygraph instruments and received hands-on training
on all of them. You even let me accompany you and observe you conduct
polygraph exams for your clients. When I felt I was ready to start
my business, you said Not Yet-- you then requested me to take two more
exams regarding my training. It was then that it was confirmed that you
just don't pass just anybody. You have proven to me to be a top-notch
trainer, professional and most of all, person. Your hospitality was
second to none.

To this day, I still call you with questions and ask your
opinions regarding polygraph and PI work. You have never ignored
my calls or blew me off. I am writing this testimonial to you because
I feel that you deserve this positive review and (those who say you must
spend 8 weeks in a school) are totally wrong in my opinion.

I highly recommend your training package for anyone interested in polygraph.
One warning to those; this package is not a fly-by-night study guide,
it takes 4-6 weeks of studying and more. Thank you so much for this training.
I am excited to see my business, New Age Polygraph, become a success."

NewAgePolygraph.com, NEW YORK


+ + + + + + ++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Listen to what professionals say about PolygraphAcademy.com:

" I was polygraphed for a job in the late 1980s
by the main writer of this package.
I also had him come into my classroom then,
and he did a presentation about polygraph.

In the 1990's he trained me for polygraph
amd Interview and Interrogation. That same
decade, I often assisted him in teaching
basic classes for these specialties.

The PolygraphAcademy.com comprehensive package
is full of knowledge that many current examiners
don't even know about because they haven't yet
experienced all types of situations possible.

Very, very thorough and well-presented".

Steve Avery, POLYGRAPH EXAMINER, NorthEast Lie Detection,
Rhode Island and multi-state


+ + + + + + ++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Listen to what professionals say about PolygraphAcademy.com:

"Very thorough; you didn't leave anything out;
you should be called 'Mister Polygraph'!"

and a polygraph academy owner/operator



Listen to what professionals say about PolygraphAcademy.com:

"After nearly 20 years of Military Intelligence as analyst,
law enforcement, criminal & insurance fraud investigations,
as well as a criminal justice and psychology background, . . .
. . . .I studied the available curriculum at 'so-called expert' polygraph schools,
and realized that their curriculum content was somewhat weak. . ..

I found PolygraphAcademy.com.
Needless to say, there was literally no comparison in curriculum,
personal instruction, training, and of course the cost.
The depth and level of knowledge, including both military
and federal polygraph techniques was second to none.
As such, I jumped on it. Taking the knowledge from PolygraphAcademy.com
afforded me the opportunity to start generating an income much sooner,
as well as affording me the ability to obtain the instrument.
After the learning, I realized you're not just 'thrown to the wolves'
but can remain in a professional relationship with John Grogan,
who has more experience in this industry than most examiners
and has always made himself readily available to myself.

Clearly, anyone learning from the comprehensive package will enter the polygraph
profession more knowledgeable, better trained and prepared than by any school. Period.
Needless to say, I obviously and highly recommend PolygraphAcademy.com
to anyone desiring to get into this lucrative and honorable career field".

Bob Korter, POLYGRAPH EXAMINER, Vancouver Polygraph,


+ + + + + + ++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Listen to what professionals say about PolygraphAcademy.com:

" I wanted to thank you for putting together
such a comprehensive package for the polygraph. I conducted
almost 20 examinations within the first weeks of receiving the giant
Academy in a Box. With all the guidance and support available from
PEOA members on a daily basis, I have actually secured a weekly
polygraph interview spot on a popular radio station in the Bay Area.

Now, for years, I have operated a successful polygraph business
based on what I gained from your comprehensive package."

Larry DiPaola, POLYGRAPH EXAMINER, Modern Polygraph



Listen to what professionals say about PolygraphAcademy.com:

"As a Private Investigator for over 11 years you have a tendency to be
somewhat suspicious of people. I saw PolygraphAcademy.com's polygraph package
on the Internet and it seemed too good to be true. After mulling this purchase
over for weeks and speaking to John Grogan several times on the phone,
I purchased the extensive Polygraph package. I was extremely impressed with
the content of the package. This is without a doubt the most comprehensive
polygraph training program in America. The materials are an exhaustive
reference for anything involved with the polygraph business, from history,
marketing, techniques, protocol, to the various polygraph instruments on
the market. I was assisted with the secrets on deciding which polygraph
instrument to purchase and I received a large discount on a computerized
polygraph instrument just for learning via this extensive program.

I also attended a www.PEOA.us workshop which I found to be informative,
educational and entertaining. The fellow attendees were a wealth of
questions and information that you could only attain at a PEOA workshop.

I would highly recommend this program
to anyone looking to get into the polygraph business".

Dan Riemer, POLYGRAPH EXAMINER, Revelations Inc



Listen to what professionals say about PolygraphAcademy.com:

"I wanted to take a minute and thank you for your polygraph training program.
The books are all you said they are, including the weight! The binders that you
have assembled based on your knowledge in the polygraph profession offer a wealth
of information to help me become an expert as a polygraph examiner. I would also
like to thank you for the ongoing training and answering the numerous questions
I have when I call you for help."

Richard Fitzpatrick, POLYGRAPH EXAMINER,



Listen to what professionals say about PolygraphAcademy.com:

"It was an excellent course and gave me a great foundation to work from".




Listen to what professionals say about PolygraphAcademy.com:

"If you want to become a trained Polygraph Examiner sooner than all the
students at the distant academies, get the extensive "Polygraph Academy in a Box".

Honestly, I looked into several training programs that were very expensive
and took several months to complete. None had all the coverage I was looking for.
Instead, I went with the PolygraphAcademy.com package-- it was exhaustively
thorough and very detailed. It is the kind of materials that teach you all
that you need to know in order to be a competent examiner, quickly
and completely, without wasting your time in long class sessions where they
spend much of their time on non-essential time-wasting matters.

Another reason to jump on this exhaustive package is that you can do it on your
own time and with the convenience and privacy of studying in your own home"

Arizona and California



Listen to what professionals say about PolygraphAcademy.com:

"The Polygraph Training Guide is one of the most informative and complete
curriculums that I have been able to find on polygraph examining.
It is easy to read and understand with a lot of real world experience put into it.
For the amount of information and years of experience compiled into one package,
I can genuinely say that this training guide is well worth the purchase".

www.LukasPolygraph.com, Florida



Listen to what professionals say about PolygraphAcademy.com:

"In today's day and age, most people only
contact a business when they have a complaint.
I instead offer my accolades.
I just wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for
your service, as well as what your unsurpassed Polygraph
Academy package has done for my business.
I have had other polygraph training, as well as
business training and college, but none can hold
a candle to what your service has done for me.
I was a little hesitant in purchasing
the Polygraph Academy manuals,
wondering if it would be of value to my continuing
education. I couldn't have been more satisfied.
I found that not only did it include any
type of polygraph scenario possible, but also it
offered "real world" knowledge, education,
business advice, and continuing education on a
regular basis. I am also continually pleased
with the expediency of the PEOA referral service.
It really take the time to send me the referrals
as quickly as I request them. I also find PEOA
a valuable resource when need to ask about
issues that come up occasionally in performing
polygraph exams. I am a Polygraph Examiner who
has performed hundreds of exams throughout the U.S,
as well as a proud member of PEOA.

I would recommend your service and training to anyone
interested in polygraphs or furthering their education.
Thank you!"

Dawn Walsh, Arrow Polygraph,



Listen to what professionals say about PolygraphAcademy.com:

"I purchased this polygraph package and I could not believe
how extensive and thorough it is. Everything is fully illustrated
and in color. When they say these manuals are 50+ pounds, believe it.

As a manual writer myself, I know what to look for in another’s work.
I spent over a year writing one. John Grogan clearly spent many years
compiling this package. It is obvious that the information comes from
his personal experience, which is the key ingredient to having a truly
informational/technical manual like this.

PI’s are very adept for the most part with the ability to gather key
facts and information on an issue and for the most part they are very
well trained to be able to write their conclusions of the investigation
they were assigned. It behooves all us PI’s who may be considering the
field of Polygraph to NOT try to reinvent the wheel but instead glean
what has already been done by perhaps one of the best in the business.

I am totally blown away with the details it has in it.
Professionally speaking, he has out-done himself with this work.

He details all the equipment out there and where to purchase it.
He shares with you all the various other places one can go to take
any training offering to teach polygraph, but you needn't go elsewhere.
John’s manuals cut to the chase for what you need to know right now,
versus wasting away in a classroom for 8 or more weeks. Many academies
for the most part really want to get $5000 from you and then teach you
the minimum basics and about the body parts and history of polygraph.
I really couldn't care less about how
lie-detection was done a thousand years ago!
Nice to know stuff, but is it really necessary?!
Then you have to make sure they are even a credible
agency out of the numerous ones out there teaching CRAP!

Personally, I wanted to cut to the chase and learn the techniques
of the polygraph instrument and how to read the results for the client,
and I have now done that and far more."


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